Personal Growth

Values & strengths

Self - awareness

Your opinion matters
Your opinion matters
Web Wisdom

Values are core principles that guide personal growth and decision-making.

Identifying and prioritizing one's values is crucial in making choices aligned with one's authentic self.

Exploring our strengths and our weaknesses is part of this journey.

Alignment is when your inner values and your external actions match up.

They provide a moral compass, helping individuals navigate complex decisions and stay true to their beliefs.

Consistently adhering to these values fosters personal growth by building character, self-esteem, and a sense of purpose, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

Your Toolbox 1


Courage - Dare often and greatly

Playfulness - Great ideas come from health and happiness

Empathy - Innovation starts with understanding

Craftspersonship - Finding meaning in what we do through crafting excellence

Grit - Perseverance driven by determination and passion

Zest - What sets you apart makes us unique

Your Toolbox 2

Handouts: Home Improvement: Men in Relationship Jan 2024

Strength exploration:

Those who know their strengths (and weaknesses) and use their strengths frequently tend to have more success in several areas. They often feel happier, have better self-esteem, and are more likely to accomplish their goals.

To use your strengths effectively, it is important to have a clear idea of what they are and how they can be used. Some of your greatest strengths might be easy to recognize, while others go unnoticed because they feel ordinary to you (even if they aren't).

In this list you can identify strengths and ways in which you are already using them. Additionally, you can explore new ways to use your strengths to your advantage;

Wisdom, empathy, enthusiasm, fairness, modesty, gratitude, ambition, athleticism, optimism, artistic ability, honesty, kindness, bravery, common sense, love of learning, creativity, discipline, independence, curiocity, open mindedness, love, cooperation, self-control, humor, confidence, assertiveness, flexibility, leadership, persistence, social awareness, forgiveness, patience, spirituality, intelligence, logic, adventurousness , etc.

Handouts: Home Improvement: Men in Relationship Jan 2024

Self-awareness: values

From this list of values select ten that are most important to you as a guides for how to behave, or as components of a valued way of life;

Achievement, advancement or promotion, adventure, affection, arts, challenging problems, change and variety, close relationships, community, competence, competition, cooperation, country, creativity, decisiveness, democracy, ecological awareness, economic security, effectiveness, efficiency, ethical practice, excellence, excitement, fame, fast living, financial gain, friendships, growth, having a family, helping other people, helping society, honesty, independence, influencing others, inner harmony, integrity, intellectual status, involvement, job tranquility, knowledge, leadership, location, loyalty, market position, meaningful work, merit, money, nature, order, personal development, freedom, physical challenge, pleasure, power and authority, privacy, public service, purity, recognition, religion, reputation, responsibility or accountability, security, self-respect, serenity, time freedom, truth, wealth, wisdom, work under pressure, work with others, work alone.

Podcast & Youtube Links

Why values matter

Core vallues: Your inner compass

Author's Opinion 1

Book: Why has nobody told me this before? By Dr Julie Smith 2022 On Meaningful Life

33. Working out what matters - Values Topic

The values star:

Defining and rating your current values Health, Family, Life-long learning, Relationships, Creativity, Contribution, Work, Parenting, Spirituality/ Faith, Play / Leisure


There are some simple exercises you can do to get some clarity on your values as they are today.

Values can change over time and how much we live in line with them can change. So it helps to do a regular values check-in.

When we use our values to guide our goal-setting, it also helps us create our day- to - day purpose

The focus is not on what you want to happen for you , but on what kind of person you want to be; the contribution you want to make and the attitude you want to face life with, no matter what happens.

34. How to create a life with meaning Go To: Authors Opinion Purpose

Author's Opinion 2

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

**Your personal identity comes from your values. **

So what do you truly value in life?

Curiosity, integrity, compassion, family, creativity, honesty, the climate and the planet, solitude, nature, wisdom, humility, kindness, loyalty, self-respect, intimacy , time for family and friends, empathy, being a good listener, (and many more…)

Choose three values. Every week, take a moment to assess how you’re doing in becoming that person.

Write your values down somewhere to help you set your intention and help keep you accountable.

This is your first step to happiness.

It is crucial because you’re not going to get “there” if you have not first defined where “there” is.

When you assess how you are doing every week, don't be too harsh on yourself.

This is going to be a lifetime journey.

Your Opinion Matters
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Updated: November 2023

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