

Life transition choices

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Web Wisdom

Feeling stuck, whether it is in a relationship or dealing with life transitions, can often feel like having your own personal glass prison.

It can be tough to break out.

It is important to examine all your choices

Think of it as finding the key to new possibilities and using that key to unlock a better future.

A time to consider working on a specific relationship and/ or making changes that allows for more personal freedom and growth.

It's about taking control of your situation by making thoughtful decisions and breaking free from the constraints that keep you stuck.

Your Toolbox

**Ideas for getting unstuck in a situation **

**-Take a Break: **

Step away from the situation if you can and take a break. Go for a walk, take a nap, or do something to clear your mind. Then take some action.

-Brainstorm Solutions:

Write down a list of possible solutions, weigh up the positives and negatives of each solution and then pick the one that seems best.

-Talk to Someone:

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether it’s a mentor, a coach, or a friend or family member. Having someone to guide you can help you get back on track.

-Take Small Steps:

Break down the problem into smaller, more manageable tasks. Taking small steps can make the situation feel less overwhelming.

**-Try Something New: **

Trying something new can give you a fresh perspective.


Try a different approach or explore a different solution.

Podcast & Youtube Links

The power in believing you can improve

Unstuck. The power of emotional fitness

On feeling stuck

PeaceBuilders Opinion 1

The opposite of being stuck logically is to be unstuck or free.

Often our journey begins only when we realized to get unstuck we might need to become more curious about the options that we might have or even the options we did not previously consider and did not know that we might have!

**We have to get more informed. **

Curiosity opened that door.

Life happens to all of us.

It's not always fun as we grapple with our changing realities.

We can not change our past story and it is difficult to foresee how the future will unfold.

We can however change how we perceive our past and how we hope to respond to the future by dealing with the present, often very messy, life stuff.

Over time our story will become our new story and reality.

Our past story just becomes a thing of the past and a distant memory that does not dictate our every day journey.

Unless we get stuck in that story…

Often a situation can be so overwhelming that it's difficult to see or even contemplate a different path or outcome.

Feeling stuck or actually being stuck in a difficult situation can be very challenging as you consider the available options or just succumb to the flow or despair of the situation.

There is no quick fix for being or feeling stuck. It takes time for you to uncover the solution that can work for you.

Shifting your perspective a bit that might give you a glimmer of hope of what can get you unstuck or just simply moving you in a new or better direction.

Often it is easier when you have a friend or colleague that can help you reflect and ponder options as you might not even be in a position to see or consider other possibilities.

Doing it on your own takes a stronger force of will and tenacity, but it's definitely possible. Humans seem to be very resilient and resourceful.

When we get stuck, we might consider the status quo of not doing anything vs doing something. (Remember: staying in bed does not allow our life to get better, actually prevents mour life from getting better).

It is definitely a mind game for most of us, to wake up in the morning, and audibly tell ourselves how we are going to move forward that day, however small a step it might be. We fail often and that's ok.

It's just about getting up and trying again and again that helps reveal some of the available options.

Some call it tenacity or resilience. Some call it hope, but even hope needs action.

It is all about forming new habits, routines or rituals that work for you and your mental and physical health.

The alternative is to do nothing, but that does not work either as we just feel more and more stuck.

To get out of feeling stuck you need to take some action, any action is better than no action…

Author's Opinion

Life transition or being stuck often include some of the following challenges:

Questioning previously held values and life choices

Children leaving home

Fear of aging

Feeling stuck in the belief that nothing will change

Disillusionment or dissatisfaction with career choices

Divorce, separation or a lack of fulfillment with close relationships

Recovering from a serious illness and greater contemplation of our own mortality

Life transition or getting unstuck goals could be:

Work out what really matters to you

Identify what it is you want to do with the next phase of your life

Take active steps to shape the direction of this next phase

Turn attention to the things you may have put aside but still aspire to do

Understand your patterns – those that help and those that hinder

Move towards an increased sense of fulfillment

Live a deeper and more meaningful life

Be more yourself

Move towards a sense of serenity and calm

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Updated: November 2023

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