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Persons may experience problems managing their health condition.

They may experience problems in their home, their worklife, their relationships with family and friends.

Here is a process that people can use to help solve problems they might experience.

Problem solving:

  • Determining the problem and the cause of the problem - Describe it.
  • Coming up with some ideas that could solve the problem
  • Determine which idea to try
  • Try the idea for two weeks to see if it works
Your Toolbox

Book: Owning our struggles Minaa B.

“ Self-care is the bridge to community-care, and community-care is the bridge to community healing.”

Book: Living a healthy life with chronic conditions Bull Publishing 2020

Self-Management Plan:

Decide what you want to accomplish (your goal)

Look for ways to accomplish your goal

Draft a short term action plan or agreement with yourself

Carry out your action plan

Check the results

Make changes as needed

Reward yourself for your success

What are the processes of a typical Self-Management plan?

Persons may experience problems managing their health condition. They may experience problems in their home, their worklife, their relationships with family and friends. Here is a process that people can use to help solve problems they might experience.

Problem solving: Determining the problem and the cause of the problem - Describe it. Coming up with some ideas that could solve the problem Review ideas and choose one they believe will work best Try the idea for two weeks to see if it works. If not, try a different idea.

Making Action Plans: - Process Sometimes its hard for us to do things that we want to do even though we know it will be good for our health. Action plans is a structured step by step, self management technique that can be helpful when someone wants to start or change a behavior.

Step 1: think of something you want to achieve in the future

Step 2: Think of a small step you can do to achieve it.

Step 3: Decide if you can really do the activity , If not, think of another activity.

Step 4: Decide how much of the activity you want to do

Step 5: How often will you actually do the activity

Step 6: How sure are you that you will do the activity 0-10 should be at least a 7

Success builds confidence. Set up for success. Have a back up plan ready.

Plan can fail if: Make a plan for every day Hedges on plan (... if?) Plan depends on another person Plan seems too much

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This website is for information only. It represents the unproven opinions / thoughts of various authors or collaborating partners.

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Updated: November 2023

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