Life Skills 2

Relaxation time

Taking a break

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Vacation time is all about relaxing and giving your mind and body a break from the busyness of life.

It's important because it reduces stress and promotes calmness.

It's similar to taking a rest when you're tired.

Relaxation activities, like deep breathing or enjoying a hobby, help recharge your mental batteries.

Taking mini, even daily, breaks or vacations contributes to better mental health, allowing you to feel refreshed and ready to face challenges with a clearer mind.

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Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

We are so busy trying to do more, be more, and get more, that we forget about the pleasure of simply being.

The benefits of taking a daily vacations

Reflect on our lives

Gain a new perspective on day-to-day problems

Access mental stillness

Increased awareness of our innermost emotions and hear the signals our body is sending us.

Change the pace of the day

Reduce anxiety

Improve our sense of calm

Understand that we are worth taking care of

Types of daily vacations

Moving vacations: Walking, running, yoga, swimming, cycling

Sitting stillness vacations: Meditation, journaling, breathwork

From routine to ritual

When you first start a daily vacation practice, it will feel like something you do as a routine.

But once it begins to work its magic on you, it’ll start to feel less like a routine and more of a ritual.

The difference between them lies in your attitude and intention.

Its a practice that's sacred to you and leaves a noticeable emotional hole when you don't do it.

Your ritual will be unique to you.

And the best thing about it is it always feels great.

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Author's Opinion

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

I believe that the true joy of vacations is the sense of calmness and space they give us.- the feeling that we have stepped out of our everyday life.

But we don't have to actually go anywhere to have that experience. We can treat ourselves to a vacation every day by finding a small, protected space to gain some mental stillness, perspective and reflection.

One of the best ways to do this is with a daily practice of solitude.

Solitude is about being lonely, it's the positive, intentional practice of being by yourself. The ability to enjoy your own company is essential for happiness.

It’s a daily act of self-love, your excuse to care about yourself, to remove yourself from the pressure of the world and remind yourself that you are of supreme value.

Reflection allows us to see who we are and where we are on our journey of who we aspire to be.

This time alone also allows us to hear the signals our body is trying to send us.

Going on daily vacations allows us to tune into our early warning systems and detect when our bodies are giving out subtle signs that they might be struggling in some way.

Extract from: Owning our Struggles by Minaa B. 2023

We have a right to care for ourselves without having to earn it. Dreaming, rest passion, play

Too many of us have forgotten how to hold space for pause

Resting requires us to say no

Balance is not a requirement for rest, but mindfulness is.

Learn to disconnect

Seven types of rest:

Physical rest

Mental rest

Sensory rest

Creative rest

Spiritual rest

Emotional rest

Social rest

**Stop putting limitations on what you think rest is, open your eyes to the things that drain you, and find ways to preserve your energy **

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Updated: November 2023

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