Inner Exploration

Real men do cry

Healing power of tears

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The healing power of expressing tears challenges myths and stereotypes like "real men don't cry."

Crying is a natural emotional release that lets you express and process anger, grief, stress and pain.

Embracing and inviting your own vulnerability contributes to the development of your strength and emotional resilience, self-awareness and healthier relationships.

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Breaking the Boys code of Masculinity by Bill Pozzobon

Big boys dont cry

When we cry

Author's Opinion

Real men don't cry is often associated with The Silent Generation, This is a term used to describe the generation of Americans born between 1925 and 1945.

The Silent Generation is so named because its members were generally too young to participate in World War II and too old to be part of the Baby Boomer generation.

This cohort of people grew up during the Great Depression and World War II, and they are often seen as stoic, hardworking, and conservative.

In Britain we had a saying such as “Keeping a stiff upper lip” rather than a trembling lip often associated with crying or showing emotion.

“Real men do cry” All people are capable of feeling emotion and crying is an important part of the human experience.

Crying is a natural response to stress, sadness, frustration, and other intense emotions, and it can be a healthy and necessary way to release those feelings.

It is not an indication of weakness or a lack of strength, but rather it is a sign of strength and resilience.

The healing power of tears is an important part of regulating human emotion.

While men may not cry in public, they should be encouraged not to bottle it up, to acknowledge the pain and hurt and be ok to express their emotions in a safe, non judgemental way.

Tears have been seen as a healing power for centuries. In some cultures, tears are seen as a symbol of courage and strength, while in others they are seen as a sign of sorrow and sadness.

Studies have linked crying to the release of stress hormones and an increase in endorphins, which can improve mood and reduce stress levels.

Crying can be a cathartic and therapeutic experience, helping to process difficult emotions and move through them in a healthy way.

Author's Opinion 3

Book: Tony Porter “The man box.

What exactly is the Man Box/ It is a visual representation of how our culture pushes boys and men to fit a certain ideal of masculinity.

Breaking out of the Man Box:

We’ve heard the saying: boys will be boys. Man up. Each of these sayings has the potential to be harmful to young boys..

Do not cry openly or express emotion (except anger)

Do not express weakness or fear.

Demonstrate power and control (especially over women)

Aggression - Dominance


Do not be ‘like a woman”


Do not be “like a gay man”

Tough/ athletic/ strength/ courage

Makes decisions - does not need help

Views women as property/ objects

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Updated: November 2023

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