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The distribution of power is detrimental in a relationship where there is an imbalance between two partners; one person exerting their wants and needs over the other.

In an equal, balanced and more healthy relationship each partner gives up some level of power in order to consider the other’s point of view and sometimes compromises for the overall sake of the relationship.

This contributes to each person feeling valued for themselves as an individual of equal worth.

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Book: Loving you is hurting me. Laura Copley 2023

Some questions to consider:

How did these power patterns start?

What was m role in these power patterns?

When did the power patern shift in such a chaotic way?

When did I begin self sacrificing my needs sovi did not have to face the conflict or isolation?

How was I forced to change and who did I become?

Why does this pattern feel so familiar?

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PeaceBuilders Opinion 1

Power in personal growth is the ability to influence one's life and environment positively.

It involves self-confidence, assertiveness, and the capacity to make choices aligned with one's values.

Finding a balance in wielding power is crucial, as excessive control can lead to ego-driven decisions, while insufficient control may hinder progress.

Striking the right balance empowers individuals to navigate life effectively, achieving growth and impact while remaining grounded and ethical.

Author's Opinion

Book: Why has nobody told me this before? By Dr Julie Smith 2022 On Dark Places

3. Things that help - Power topic


We cannot control the thoughts that pop into our minds, but we do have control over our spotlight of attention.

Trying not to think about something tends to make us think about it more.

Allowing all thoughts to be present, but choosing which ones we give our time and attention to, can have a powerful impact on our emotional experience.

Turning our attention to a skill that can be practiced with both mindfulness and gratitude practice.

While there is a time for focusing on a problem, we also need to focus on the direction we want to move in, and how we want to feel and behave.

Thoughts are not facts. They are suggestions offered up to us by the brain to help us make sense of the world.

The power of any thought is how much we believe it to be the only truth.

Taking power out of those thoughts start with stepping back, getting some distance and seeing them for what they are.

4. How to turn bad days into better days. Go To: Author Opinion 1 - Change Topic

Author's Opinion 3

Handouts: Home Improvement: Men in Relationship Jan 2024

Key points: AI Summary

Power in Relationships:

Power is the ability to influence others. It can be used positively or negatively in relationships.

Understanding how we use power is crucial for healthy relationships.

Personal Power:

Birthright: Everyone has an inherent ability to influence others, like a newborn baby.

Choice: We choose how to use our personal power. Some misuse it (overuse), and some underuse it.

Equality: Your personal power is as important as anyone else’s.

Power Dynamics in Relationships:

Power Zone: Harm occurs when power is overused or underused.

Healthy relationships require balanced use of personal power.

Types of Power:

Power Over:

Using power to control others, which is harmful in relationships.

Includes behaviors that dominate or control a partner.

Power Within:

Comes from self-understanding and self-worth.

Involves feeling secure, responsible, honest, flexible, empathetic, and accountable.

Helps in making good choices and learning from mistakes.

Power For:

Used for the benefit of others, with their consent.

Includes helping others, charity work, and good deeds.

Power With:

Collaborative power used in partnerships and friendships.

Recognizes and respects the equal power each person brings.

Solutions are mutually discussed and agreed upon.

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Updated: November 2023

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