7 Principles of living


Deep commitment

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Web Wisdom

Love is a powerful emotion that makes us feel deeply connected to others. It is equal, engaged, c9mfortable,secure and steadfast.

It's essential for mental wellness because it can bring happiness, stability and emotional support.

When we built trust through love we have our hearts wide open, welcoming positive feelings and connewction.

This emotional connection boosts our mental health, reduces stress, and makes life more fulfilling.

Love can be healing, promoting overall well-being and mental balance.

Your Toolbox

Extract from: Owning our Struggles by Minaa B. 2023

Brain chemistry and happy chemicals:

Hormones are chemicals that get released in the body and travel through the bloodstream and act as messengers to help regulate your mood, sexual functioning, metabolism and more.

Happiness hormones:

Dopamine: It plays a central role in inducing happiness and activating the brain's reward system. Watching movies, traveling, trying new activities.

Serotonin: This hormone helps with mood regulation. Getting enough sleep, meditation, well-balanced meals, spending time outdoors and in nature.

Endorphins: This hormone is known as the body's pain reliever. Exercise, good music, cooking a good meal.

Oxytocin: Known as the love hormone, oxycontin helps increase feelings of connection, intimacy and bonding. Physical intimacy, emotional intimacy, touch, service work to others.

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Love with boundaries

Where should we begin?

Author's Opinion 1

Extract from: Owning our Struggles by Minaa B. 2023

The root for every healthy relationship is intimacy:

Emotional intimacy: A sense of safety related to the expression of thoughts and feelings. Including feelings of empathy and compassion versus shame or judgment.

Intellectual intimacy: The sharing of beliefs, viewpoints, opinions and perspectives that allow people to be vulnerable with their truths and create a sense of closeness, relatability and connection.

Experiential intimacy: The sharing of experiences and memories that create bonds and closer levels of connection. Physical/ Sexual intimacy: The sharing of passion, pleasure and closeness through physical touch or sexual intercourse.

Intimacy is anything that creates closeness and connection, which are vital to the health of our relationships.

Author's Opinion 2

Quote: Martin Luther King Jr

Returning violence for violence only multiplies violence’

Adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness,

Only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate,

Only love can do that.

Author's Opinion 3

Handouts: Home Improvement: Men in Relationship Jan 2024

The contrast between Emotional and Physical intimacy (sex) for Men and Women

-Physical intimacy is where women are the most vulnerable -Emotional intimacy is the “nest” where women find security, comfort, and acceptance

-Emotional intimacy is where men are the most vulnerable -Physical intimacy is the “nest” where men find security, comfort and acceptance

After a fight or an argument- when your partner :kicks the crap”out of you”nest”, you wonder how on earth you could open your most vulnerable place again. It is a different experience for each of you and the “repair” looks different for each of you as well.

If physical intimacy happens afterwards; -the woman could feel raped -the man feels re-connected and restored

If physical intimacy is denied; -the woman feels safe -the man feels rejected

It is important to understand the significant difference between the intent of one partner in either initiating or denying physical intimacy (sex) and the impact this actually has on the other partner.

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Updated: November 2023

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