Our Struggles

Life's Purpose

Reasons to live life

Your opinion matters
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Web Wisdom

A clear sense of purpose gives our life meaning and direction. A reason to get up in the morning.

When we make ourselves accountable to a bigger purpose, it gives us a reason to continue one step at a time

When we are dealing with life's challenges, having a clear and well defined sense of purpose can help us dig deep and stay motivated to keep going when things get tough.

Discovering or rekindling our sense of meaning and purpose often relates directly to things that are important to us.

Often it is about being part of something larger than yourself or giving of yourself in a way that positively impacts other humans or situations.

Your Toolbox

Book: Level Up by Rod Dial 2023

Purpose: Journal prompts

If you could have ultimate success in your life, what would that mean to you? What would that feel like? Look like? Taste like? Be as detailed as possible.

What is your most important future goal? Describe it in specific vivid detail.

What would it feel like to accomplish that goal?

If you never have to worry about money, how would you spend your time?

Podcast & Youtube Links

Robert Waldinger

How to waste your life and never be happy

Author's Opinion 1

Book: Why has nobody told me this before? By Dr Julie Smith 2022 On Meaningful Life

34. How to create a life with meaning - Purpose Topic


When we decide it’s time for a change there can be a tendency to come up with a huge radical new goal.

Simply having a goal is not enough to ensure your life changes and stays changed.

Spending time thinking about and visualizing the person you want to be, and turning those ideas into concrete, sustainable actions, can change how meaningful those efforts feel.

Linking your intentions to your sense of identity allows the new behaviors to continue way beyond the initial goal.

**35. Relationships Go To: Authors Opinion - Relationships Topic **

Author's Opinion 2

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Rangan Chatterjee 2022

There are a growing number of people who criticize the very idea of pursuing happiness.

They say “we shouldn't be chasing happiness, we should be chasing meaning” But meaning is not the same as happiness.

You might be working in a job you adore that gives you a deep sense of meaning but you could at the same time, be working too much and close to burnout.

Yes you would have meaning. But you wouldn't be happy.

Having meaning and purpose in life is, without question, an important ingredient for happiness but it's not enough for happiness in and of itself.

When you start working on your alignment (values + action), the inevitable consequence is that you instantaneously start living every aspect of your life, with a greater sense of meaning and purpose.

If one of your values is kindness and despite a busy and stressful week, you still manage to be kind to the barista, kind to your work colleagues, and kind to your bus driver - you are absolutely living a life of meaning, because you are living according to your own unique values.

Being aligned is critical to happiness, because you can not hide from yourself.

Who are the people in and around your life who showcase the qualities and values that you desire?

Author's Opinion 3

Book: Level Up by Rod Dial 2023

What do you want? What’s your reason for Being?

When we pursue things that we are passionate about, it's easy to be driven, motivated and fulfilled. The problem is, most people live their lives without any true passion.

I love the Japanese concept of ikigai, which means “reasons for being”. Marc Winn is an American entrepreneur who created an ikigai diagram that helps show how meaning comes from the convergence of four areas of our life, which can be phrased as four questions:

What do you love?

What are you good at?

What can you get paid to do?

What does the world need?

But I want to take this a little further, There is one more question that I don't think people ask enough:

What are you so interested in learning or doing that you would do it for free?

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Updated: November 2023

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