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Life changes

Seasons of change

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Web Wisdom

Accepting change in relationships is like a bird building a new nest each season. It is about adapting to evolving circumstances.

Embracing change and creating a new 'nest' or place of emotional and physical saftey can lead to growth even though it might seem hard.

It's about acknowledging the need for change and identifying what needs to change and when.

Then its about moving forward, one step at a time.

Change can be painfull.

The pain to change compared to the prologed pain of not changing motivates action and success.

Podcast & Youtube Links

Podcast: Micro Stress Doses and the impact of stress on our health

PeaceBuilders Opinion 1


Change is Difficult: Many people struggle with change because they fear the unknown.

Love for Predictability: People prefer predictability, which is why familiar brands like McDonald's and Starbucks are successful.

Forced Changes: Significant life changes, like divorce, job loss, death, or illness, can turn life upside down.

Personal Changes: Smaller changes, like losing weight or quitting smoking, can also be challenging.

Guiding Change:

Importance of Change: Deciding which changes to make depends on how important they are to you.

Pain and Change: Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing.

Worst Case Scenario: Imagining the worst-case scenario if you don't change can motivate you to act now.

Future Benefits: Understanding how bad things could get helps you see the benefits of making changes today.

Author's Opinion 1

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

Being able to surrender our selfish thought patterns is an essential ingredient for happiness. When we become overly me-focused, we tend to forget to feel grateful for parts of our life that are actually good.

We also fail to forgive people who we come into conflict with. Being thankful for what we have , and actively and intentionally practicing forgiveness, are common spiritual practices for the simple reason - they work.

They make our relationships stronger, which makes our social world safer, and this makes us feel more in control. They make us feel more content and at peace with the world, and more aligned with what we want to be.

Holding on to jealousy, anger and envy has been found to put our mind and body into a stressful state. It signals to our brain that we’re in an unsafe space. Which can trigger more stress and spiral down into depression.

Forgiveness reverses this process, sending us on an upward spiral towards happiness.

Gratitude is the cure for negativity.

Gratitude is a social emotion that reminds us how supported and safe we are and connects us to the people around us.

Author's Opinion 2

Book: Why has nobody told me this before? By Dr Julie Smith 2022 On Dark Places

4. How to turn bad days into better days. - Change Topic


Focus on making good decisions, not perfect ones.

Good enough steers you towards real change. Perfectionism causes decision- making paralysis, whereas improving your mood demands that you make decisions and take action.

Keep changes small and sustainable

When someone is down we show them kindness because we know it is what they need.

So if you are committed to managing your mood and overall mental health, commit to practicing self-compassion.

Once you understand the problem, use it to help you work out where you want to go and focus on the horizon ahead of you.

5. How to get the basics right. Go to: Author Opinion - Foundation Topic

Author's Opinion 3

Home Improvement: Men in Relationship Jan 2024

Key Points: AI Summary

Model of Change:


Not thinking about change yet.

Unaware of the need to change.


Starting to think about change.

Recognizing the need but unsure about taking action.


Getting ready to make a change.

Planning and gathering resources.


Actively making changes.

Implementing new behaviors.


Sustaining the changes over time.

Preventing relapse and continuing progress.

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Updated: November 2023

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