

Acts of appreciation

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Web Wisdom

Appreciation, or acts of kindness is about recognizing the qualities in others, especially when they include supporting or helping you.

Its about valuing yourself and others.

Appreciation requires thoughtfulness and really thinking about the other people in your life.

It includes thanking and acknowledging others.

When you are kind and appreciate another person then you respect and appreciate yourself.

This helps you build stronger and more meaningful relationships through reciprocity.

Your Toolbox

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

One week of kindness

Perform one act of kindness every day for a week.

After you completed each act of kindness, check in with yourself emotionally.

How did it make you feel? If you feel your Core Happiness is becoming noticeably stronger, keep performing acts of kindness.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

-Go shopping for an elderly neighbor

-Cook a meal for someone outside of your immediate family

-Send a text message in the evening telling someone how much they mean to you.

-Hold the door open for a stranger

-Tell your barista how wonderful the coffee is

-Buy a coffee for the person behind you in the line

-Give your partner a foot massage

To really maximize the benefit, start a diary or journal and write down how many acts you have completed and how you felt afterwards.

Why not try this for at least one week every month?

Podcast & Youtube Links

Podcast: Dr David Hamilton -The healing power of kindness

How acts of kindness sparks a global movement

The power of kindness

Author's Opinion

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

It is incredible, but true: research suggests that practicing kindness may have more of an effect on health and happiness than diet and exercise. Acts of kindness sends signals to your brain that life is great. This switches it out of unhealthy stress state and into thrive state.

One study found that the more acts of kindness you carry out the happier you become. It did not matter if these acts of kindness were for loved ones or complete strangers, the effect on happiness were the same.

When you decide to give yourself away with a simple act of kindness, you’re sending a beautiful wave of happiness that will travel far into the world and deep into hearts.

Book: The keys to kindness - Claudia Hammond.

Taking kindness more seriously and valuing it more deeply.

Five keys to kindness:

-There is more kindness in the world than you think.

-Being kind makes you feel good and that's OK.

-Kindness comes from seeing other people’s point of view.

-The key to empathic kindness is to listen, truly listen.

-Remember to be kind to yourself.

Book: Listen Kathryn Mannix For it is only through humble, generous, immersive listening that we can really understand another's perspective and act in a truly kind way.

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Updated: November 2023

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