

Your labels

Your opinion matters
Your opinion matters
Web Wisdom

Our identity is our core understanding of who we are.

It has been shaped by our family, culture and language and our beliefs and values.

Sometimes it is the labels that are given to us by our society.

Examining and understanding what shaped our identity can help us decide what we want to change about ourselves.

This knowledge guides decisions to ensure they are aligned with our authentic selves and goals.

Embracing change and self-discovery allows for personal growth and choices that resonate with an evolving identity, leading to a more fulfilled life journey.

Your Toolbox 1

Book: Level Up by Rod Dial 2023

Fear: Journal prompts

Write down a list of al your fears, and where you think you learned them.

Now write down the emotional pain you’re anticipating for each of your fears; be honest with yourself about whether the fear is real or imagined.

How is the fear holding you back from taking the action required to get the life you want?

How can you release any fears and take action towards the future that you desire?

List some ways that you can turn fear on its head and use it to your advantage.

Your Toolbox 2

Book: Level Up by Rod Dial 2023

Identity: Journal prompts

Write down the story you’ve been telling yourself that has been holding you back from where you want to be in life.

Identify and then write about where that story came from and how that functions in your life today.

What are the thoughts, beliefs, and words you need to STOP thinking or saying to accomplish what you want to achieve?

What are the thoughts, beliefs, and words you need to START thinking or saying to accomplish what you want to achieve?

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Is your identity given or created?

Who am I?

Book: Level Up by Rod Dial 2023

Author's Opinion 1

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

How you identify is incredibly important to happiness.

If we become too strongly attached to our labels, they can leave us feeling fragile and exposed.

If we were to lose them for any reason, we would lose our sense of who we are.

Your personal identity comes from your values.

So what do you truly value in life?

Curiosity, integrity, compassion, family,

creativity, honesty, the climate and the planet,

solitude, nature, wisdom, humility, kindness,

loyalty, self-respect, intimacy, empathy,

time for family and friends,

being a good listener, (and many more…)

*Choose three values. *

Every week, take a moment to assess how you’re doing in becoming that person.

Write your values down somewhere to help you set your intention and help keep you accountable.

This is your first step to happiness. It is crucial because you’re not going to get “there” if you have not first defined where “there” is.

When you assess how you are doing every week, don't be too harsh on yourself.

This is going to be a lifetime journey

Author's Opinion 2

Book: Level Up by Rod Dial 2023

**Identity - Action - Results **

In order for a seed to grow into a flower, it must completely destroy itself. If you want to change, some part of you needs to die.

Your life won't change unless your identity changes.

Author's Opinion 3

Handouts: Home Improvement: Men in Relationship Jan 2024

-Separate identities

Before you were in the relationship you each had your own lives and that shouldn’t change.

It’s helpful to have separate interests and maintain your own identity.

And each should feel free to keep developing new talents, interests and friends.

Your Opinion Matters
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Updated: November 2023

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