
Abuse / hurting

Are you a bully?

Your opinion matters
Your opinion matters
Web Wisdom

Being a bully means intentionally hurting others, either physically, or emotionally by hurting their feelings or self- esteem.

Often it is rooted in unfair power distribution or dis-empowering relationship struggles.

It's a harmful behavior that can cause pain, fear, and distress.

It involves using words, actions, or manipulation to make someone feel bad about themselves., belittling or demeaning them.

Treating others with kindness, respect, and empathy is important to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and accepted.

Building healthy relationships means supporting and uplifting others, not tearing them down.

Your Toolbox 1

**Types of abuse; **

Power and control wheel:

-physical -emotional -social -financial -intelectual -using children -cultural -male privilege -verbal -sexual -pets and property -spiritual

Your Toolbox 2

Cycle of abusive behaviours;

-make up

-build up

-blow up


Podcast & Youtube Links

Daddy issues

A mile in her shoes


MCC: Breaking the Cycle

Author's Opinion 3

Handouts: Home Improvement: Men in Relationship Jan 2024

Key Points: AI Summary

Abuse: Power & Control


Any behavior used to harm, frighten, control, manipulate, or humiliate someone.


Forcing your will on someone in a way that denies their dignity.

Relationship Abuse:

Controlling, coercive, or threatening behavior to control a partner.

Types of Abuse:

Emotional Abuse:

Actions that undermine someone's emotional well-being.

Intellectual Abuse:

Making someone doubt their intelligence.

Financial Abuse:

Depriving someone of financial security or control.

Pets and Property Abuse:

Hurting pets or damaging property to intimidate or control.

Male Privilege Abuse:

Using gender to exert power over females.

Psychological/Mental Abuse:

Undermining someone's mental well-being.

Physical Threat/Physical Abuse:

Unwanted physical contact or threats.

Verbal Abuse:

Using words, volume, or tone to threaten or belittle.

Sexual Abuse:

Unwanted sexual behavior or words.

Spiritual Abuse:

Damaging someone's spiritual or inner well-being.

Using Children:

Involving children in abusive behavior.

Social Abuse:

Isolating someone from support or controlling their social interactions.

Cultural Abuse:

Using cultural ideas to dominate someone.

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Updated: November 2023

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