Personal Growth


Changing perspective

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Web Wisdom

Habits are repeated thoughts or actions that are frequently reflected in our behavior; they become entrenched over time.

Our habits can significantly impact the potential for our personal growth. Positive habits – like self-reflection and a commitment to learning – foster growth.

Negative habits – like not taking responsibility or being unaccountable – can limit growth and stall change.

Breaking negative habits is hard but the rewards can mean a real engagement in the change process and better, longer lasting outcomes.

Your Toolbox 1

We know that 72% of Canadian men have unhealthy habits, putting them at risk for chronic conditions and diseases.

We provide easy tips and useful tools to help guys and their families make small changes that greatly impact their health.

Your Toolbox 2
  1. Set achievable goals
  • Break down your goals into small, achievable steps that you can easily follow.
  1. Prioritize your tasks
  • Make a list of all the tasks you need to complete, and prioritize them according to importance.
  1. Ask for help
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed.
  1. **Track your progress **
  • Keep track of the progress you’ve made to ensure that you’re staying on track.
  1. Celebrate your successes
  • Take the time to celebrate your achievements and successes.
  1. Make time for yourself
  • Make sure to schedule time for yourself and your own self-care.
  1. Reframe thoughts
  • Reframe negative thoughts and look for the positive in any situation.
  1. Take action
  • Don’t just think about it, take action and make things happen.
  1. **Remain consistent **
  • Consistency is key to breaking the cycle of failure.
  1. **Be patient **
  • Allow yourself the time and patience to learn and grow.
Podcast & Youtube Links

A simple way to break bad habits

The science of habits

Author's Opinion 1

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

Our day to day habits are not a reflection of our strength or weakness of mind.

They are a reflection of how we feel about the world around us.

*This is how it works. *

When we think negative thoughts and allow the actions of others to influence the way we feel, we bring stress to our body.

But when we feel calm, content and in control of our lives, the opposite is true: we become healthier.

When we feel truly and deeply happy in our lives and with our lives, the direct consequences for our health are profound. Part of the reason happiness impacts our health so much is that, if you are feeling good about your life, you’re more likely to exercise, socialize and avoid comfort foods.

We too often forget that mind and body are not just “connected” - our mind is a part of our body.

This is why living an unhappy life can have serious consequences for both our mental wellbeing and our physical health.

Every time we get annoyed or frustrated with another human being or wish things were different from the way we are, we bring tension into our body.

Over time this tension builds up and we experience a lack of ease in our bodies.

And what do we call a lack of ease in the body? Dis-ease.

Lack of ease becomes disease.

Extract from: Owning our Struggles by Minaa B. 2023

Unhealthy relationship habits:

Poor Communication

Poor Boundaries

Following the fifty- fifty mirth: Fairness

Not adjusting expectations

Complaining instead of repairing

Author's Opinion 2

*Book: Why has nobody told me this before? By Dr Julie Smith 2022 On Motivation *

8. How do you make yourself do something when you dont feel like it? - Habits Topic


We cannot rely on motivation to be there all the time.

We can practice acting in opposition to urges so that we can act in line with our values rather than how we feel right now.

Repeat a new behavior enough times and it will become a habit.Fopr any big goal, rest and replenishment along the way is vital - just like an elite athlete.

Make use of small rewards along the way.

9. Big life changes. Where do I start? Go To: Authors Opinion - Start Here Topic

Book: Level Up by Rod Dial 2023

Habits: Consistency

You can either make excuses or get results.

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.

It does not matter what you’re trying to do, you don't have to be the smartest, fastest, or most talented person to reach your goals. You just have to be the most consistent.

The secret is discipline.

Discipline does not come from doing the things you want to do - it comes from doing the things you don't want to do, but know that you should do it.

Huge rewards and radical change come from small, smart choices made consistently over time.

If it doesn't challenge you , it doesn’t change you.

Habits: Journal prompts

What habits do you currently have that bring you closer to your goals?

What habits do you currently have that are taking you further from your goals?

What can you do to make it easier on yourself to eliminate bad habits and create good ones?

What is the one … habit that could potentially make a big difference in your life if you implemented it today?

Your Opinion Matters
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Disclaimer: does not collect hold or store any personal client information.
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This website is for information only. It represents the unproven opinions / thoughts of various authors or collaborating partners.

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Updated: November 2023

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I found local programs that I did not know existed. Thanks to the PeaceBuilders Network

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PeaceBuilders Network is a very useful relationship building tool covering so many important topics!

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