Feelings & emotions 1


Honor the journey

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Grief is a deep sense of sadness and loss when we experience something painful, like losing a loved one.

It's a part of our mental wellness because it's important to acknowledge and process these feelings.

Honoring the journey means recognizing that grieving is a natural process, like a path to healing.

It's essential for mental health to allow ourselves to grieve, as it helps us find closure and move forward while preserving our emotional well-being.

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Dr Zac Seidler on toxic masculinity and dealing with grief

Author's Opinion 1

The four stages of grief are proposed by British psychiatrists John Bowlby and Colin Murray Parkes.

These stages are:

Shock and Numbness:

Immediately following a loss, a person may feel numb and emotionally shut down.

**Yearning and Searching: **

This stage involves longing for the person who has been lost and searching for ways to fill the void.

Disorganization and Despair:

Feelings of confusion, sadness, and hopelessness may arise during this stage as the reality of the loss sinks in.

Reorganization and Recovery:

In this final stage, a person begins to adjust to the loss, find new meaning, and rebuild their life .

Note: The stages of grief can vary from person to person, and they are not always experienced in a linear or predictable order .

Author's Opinion 2

Book: Why has nobody told me this before? By Dr Julie Smith 2022 On Grief

  1. Understanding grief Grief Topic


Endings that feel significant can trigger a grief reaction - even if the end was not caused by death.

Grief is a normal and natural part of being human.

The pain can feel both emotional and physical

Things that help do not make the pain disappear or force you to let go.

Trying to block out grief can lead to problems further down the line.

**15. The stages of grief **


Denial can help us survive the overwhelming pain of grief.

As denial fades, this allows new waves of emotions to surface.

When we experience anger about something we can’t control, using physical movement helps us use the physiological arousal and bring the body back down to calm for a while

Ruminating over What Ifs can easily lead down a path of self -n blame.

Depression is normal reaction after a bereavement

Acceptance is not the same as liking or agreeing with the situation.

16. The tasks of mourning


Grief demands that we work through the pain.

It takes time to adjust to life in which the loved one is missing.

We need to find a way to keep that connection going with the loved one without their physical presence.

Acceptance of the new reality means we can continue to engage with the things that matter to us.

Whatever you feel, it's ok to feel that.

Do not underestimate small steps and steady progress.

**17. The pillars of strength Go To: Authors Opinion Listening Topic **

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Updated: November 2023

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