

Being more aware

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Web Wisdom

**Being grateful means appreciating the things we have, even when things are tough. **

It's about valuing the little joys in life, finding meaning in things we often overlook, like a beautiful sunset, good health, supportive friends, and even personal growth.

**Gratitude helps us find happiness within ourselves and appreciate the present moment, fostering a positive mindset and attracting more good things into our lives. **

This helps shift us to being or becoming more happy.

Your Toolbox

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

**Gratitude is an emotion that connects you to your social world. **

Pick a gratitude habit that really speaks to you and do it regularly.

Here are some options to get you started:

-Write a gratitude letter to someone once a week.

Write down things they have done for you in the part and express your thanks.

Be as specific as you can.

-Write down in your journal three to five things you are grateful for in your life each day.

Over time , you can supercharge its effectiveness by making it more specific and detailed.

For each thing you are grateful for, you can start with a simple thought and see if you can write a full paragraph on it.

-Around the dinner table with friends and family, take turns to share three things that you are grateful for.

Remember, be as specific as you can and make them different every day.

-In the moment of stress or anxiety, take a pause and shift your attention to something you are grateful for in your life.

Anything, no matter how simple, will start to make you feel more aligned, content and in control.

The more you practice gratitude, the easier it becomes and the more you train your mind to be grateful in all aspects of your life.

It does not take much time and is completely free.

But it only works if you do it.

What are you waiting for?

PeaceBuilders Opinion 1


Showing gratitude in our relationships, or just being grateful is not always easy.

Deep inside we are grateful I guess, but do we actually show or talk about it? Is being grateful maybe just a sign of male weakness?

Being a bit too soft?

Some of us come from tough or even “silent” homes where there were expectations for different people to do different stuff / duties at home or at work.

But it was very seldom acknowledged or commented on, but rather just became an expectation or the normal.

They do this, we do that. Routine.

The different personalities and their behaviors mesh over time and become tolerable or they blow up and explode… when the friction or irritations get too much.

Then it simmeres down and the cycle repeats.

I am learning that gratitude is so much more.

**It is a sense of human awareness and appreciation that goes beyond duty or routine. **

It is not even just respectfulness. It relates more to kindness and joy.

It is to me a heart felt sense of thankfulness that is deeper than just words, but more connected to the feeling and even touch sensation that comes with having a healthy human connection or relationship.

Gratefulness can even just be the small moments of time.

The feel of a cool breeze or the smell of a good cup of coffee.

Gratefulness and being aware of our senses and some of the good positive things that happen around us every day…. If we care to look and feel it.

Life has so much meaning just by daily being and choosing to act with gratitude.

Author's Opinion

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

**Gratitude is a social emotion that reminds us how supported and safe we are and connects us to the people around us. **

Gratitude is the cure for negativity.

Being able to surrender our selfish thought patterns is an essential ingredient for happiness.

When we become overly me-focused, we tend to forget to feel grateful for parts of our life that are actually good.

We also fail to forgive people who we come into conflict with.

Being thankful for what we have, and actively and intentionally practicing forgiveness, are common spiritual practices for the simple reason - they work.

They make our relationships stronger, which makes our social world safer, and this makes us feel more in control.

They make us feel more content and at peace with the world, and more aligned with what we want to be.

Holding on to jealousy, anger and envy has been found to put our mind and body into stress state.

It signals to our brain that we’re in an unsafe space. Which can trigger more stress and spiral down into depression.

Forgiveness reverses this process, sending us on an upward spiral towards happiness.

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Updated: November 2023

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