Mental Wellness


Shifting perspective

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Your opinion matters
Web Wisdom

Curiosity is being eager to learn and explore.

It's like having a hunger for knowledge.

In mental wellness, curiosity is vital.

It helps us shift our perspective, see things from different angles, and grow mentally.

When we're curious, we stay open-minded, reduce stress, and become more adaptable.

It's a tool for improving our mental well-being by encouraging us to embrace new ideas and experiences.

Your Toolbox 1

The Webster dictionary describes curiosity as ‘a strong desire to know or learn something”

A synonym might be, inquisitiveness, concern, questioning, interest, wonderment etc. You get the idea.

I want to take it a step further and explore the intricacies of emotional curiosity.

Rather than just being curious about physical things or objects.

Curiosity is biological

Activates reward circuits in midbrain - dopamine

Curiocity turns on learning and memory brain connections

And curiosity is relational

The power of curiosity

Your Toolbox 2

The key tricks to reduce stress and anxiety, Dr. Julie Smith Dr. Rangan Chatterjee

Podcast & Youtube Links

Why has nobody told me this before? By Dr Julie Smith

Why you should embrace your curiocity

Why curiocity gets you further than ambition

PeaceBuilders Opinion 1

A self reflection:

A large part of my life I have relied on my ability to fix practical, mechanical stuff, or at least taking it apart to see how it works and then by some learned skill, logic or luck get it back together again.

I think there must be many men and women that had the same experimental creative learning I had in my younger years.

I am not an academic and had I had the opportunity to do it all again, I think I would have enjoyed a trade such as electrician or plumber.

This “fixing” skill served me well as I translated the logic to other areas of my construction career and life. In fact I was getting very frustrated when others did not see the solutions I proposed and they insisted on trying their, in my view, “imperfect” solution. In retrospect, not a great way to build lasting relationships or friendships.

Especially when it becomes an obsessive control thing that often has its root in an ego and power imbalance thing. A spiraling, judgmental disrespect for others views and opinions.

My relationship however with logic carried on blissfully through all the ups and downs of life as my own story snaked happily along. Then, many years later on a late Spring day my world as I had known it collapsed as my marriage imploded and I did not have the ability or know-how to fix it.

I was the guy that had to leave home and find a new life for myself. Mr Fixit is out the door with no going back.

I grew up in the shadow of the silent generation, where it was common or might I say shameful, for men to cry or show emotion. Never mind admitting that they are wrong!

When all this trauma happened, it came to a point where I was so emotionally challenged because I didn't really know how to use my emotional tools i.a feelings correctly.

I found myself swimming alone in this emotional sea and needed to find some ”land” or a friend's help just to catch my breath and stop the feeling of drowning!

**I actually had to learn to become curious about emotions. ** That was my lightbulb moment.

The pressures of life do not necessarily change or go away on their own.

**Understanding how to emotionally respond to some of life's stuff makes all the difference and makes life worth living. **

It shifted my perspective 100%.

It is still a work in progress.

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Updated: November 2023

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