

Social connection

Your opinion matters
Your opinion matters
Web Wisdom

Community is often a group of people who share common interests or live in the same place.

It's important for personal growth because it provides a sense of belonging, support, and connection.

Within a community, we learn from others, share ideas, and grow together.

It helps us feel valued and understood, and it's a fundamental part of being human, contributing to our well-being and personal development.

Community is the most essential ingredient of being human.

Your Toolbox

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life -Dr Rangan Chattergee 2023

Working out in the Social gym

Over the course of one week, experiment with analyzing a moment of social friction each day.

This exercise need not take longer than five to ten minutes.

At the end of the week, spend a few minutes how the exercise has made you feel.

-*Do you feel calmer, more in control, and more content? *

-Are you sleeping better and feeling less anxious?

When you work out regularly in the social gym, life becomes significantly easier.

-When did you get triggered today?

This could be a time when you felt frustrated, angry, annoyed, or disappointed. It could also be when you fell into the trap of judging others.

*-What was the reason? *

Was it because you didn't sleep well and reacted emotionally?

Or was it because it highlighted your insecurities and reminded you of something in your past?

-What emotion did it bring up in you?

If you can write down this emotion you felt.

-Try to feel where you feel that emotion in your body.

See if you can breath into that area and help the tension or tightness ease off.

-Reflect and think about or write down what that bit of friction has taught you about yourself.

For example.”I am not sleeping well at the moment, which is getting me emotional” Or “This situation has highlighted my inner insecurities about who I am. This is not about the other person, this is about me”

-Now write a happiness story about the same situation but change your perspective to give you a sense of control over the situation.

A useful tip is to try to make the person you are thinking about a hero (not an enemy) in some way.

**-Try to feel compassion for them. **

Understanding that they are probably taking out their stresses and insecurities on you.

*In reality their actions have nothing to do with you. *

You can not influence them and, if you are waiting for others to act in a certain way, in order to make you happy you will be writing for a very long time.

PeaceBuilders Opinion 1


I believe that community is and should be central to our lives.

Community is the very people and things that we interact with or choose to interact with every day.

Community includes the family and friends that we have and community is the way all of these individual pieces mesh together to create our very own society or identity.

It can shape and affect our values and our beliefs and it can be a life sustaining force. It can also be a destructive and dangerous force that threatens our very existence.

To me the central purpose of a healthy community is the possibility to rub shoulders and share conversation, experiences and knowledge with other people that might be different to us. That to me is how we learn and shape rich lives here on this beautiful earth that we call home.

It is our diversity and ingenuity as a caring human society that in my opinion sustains and builds strong communities.

When times are good and peaceful it is not so apparent, but when things get tough that is when communities flourish as every member of that community is needed to help sustain the community's survival.

Adversity and struggles shape and mold us as much as it shapes and molds our community where we live, grow and even thrive.

Author's Opinion

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

No one is an island.

Humans survive and thrive in webs of connection.

Its not by chance that the ultimate punishment in prisons is solitary confinement: being removed from social contact is a form of psychological torture.

We can choose to experience the opposite of that hell when we give ourselves away. There’s no greater feeling of freedom and lightness than when we sacrifice our own wants in the service of others.

It’s as if all our selfish worries and obsessions melt away.

This is life’s most perfect irony: when we prioritize the happiness of others, it’s ourselves who end up smiling.

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Updated: November 2023

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