Life Skills 2


Into the flow

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Web Wisdom

Brainstorming involves generating ideas and solutions to problems or goals.

It's a creative process that encourages digging deeper into one's thoughts and aspirations.

By exploring multiple perspectives and possibilities, individuals can gain new insights, uncover hidden opportunities, and enhance their personal development.

Brainstorming helps self-discovery and creative approaches to personal growth challenges, fostering a more fulfilling journey of self-improvement.

Flow is the sensation when "time seems to disapear" as you brainstorm or focus on a task at hand.

Podcast & Youtube Links

Podcast: Steven Kotler A flow expert.

Author's Opinion

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life Dr Rangan Chattergee 2022

Phychologists describe flow as having six core components:

-Complete concentration on the task at hand.

Our thoughts and actions become one.

-The sense of self decreases; the ego is quiet.

-Our perception of time changes.

-The sense of anxious struggle disappears.

-The sense of control increases.

The task provides immediate feedback, which helps psycological immersion.

-The task becomes a pleasurable experience in and of itself.

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Updated: November 2023

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