Our Struggles


Managing your thoughts

Your opinion matters
Your opinion matters
Web Wisdom

Beliefs are the thoughts, ideas or opinions we hold in our mind.

When we're dealing with life's challenges, our beliefs have a very strong influence on how we respond to a situation.

Positive beliefs are often associated with values that work for you and serve you well.

Remaining hopeful, a bit like a ships anchor in a storm.

Negative beliefs is the opposite and can be challenging and could lead to disappointments or worse.

Learning to continuously re-evaluate or manage our beliefs that work for us and discard the beliefs that don't work for us, can improve our mental wellness and help us handle life's ups and downs more effectively.

PeaceBuilders Opinion 1

Beliefs are thoughts that we believe are true.

**Beliefs could be true or false for us. **

We personally decide what a belief means to each of us and if its a belief that is benificial or not.

We often inherit our beliefs from our parents, or our school, friends, community, religion, education and so the list continues.

However we choose one belief over another belief as we live life.

Sometimes beliefs complement our values and thoughts but sometimes our beliefs are in conflict with other previously formed beliefs.

Continually re-evaluating our beliefs as our life experieces and life learnings shape our thought will help us move forward and not get stuck in a belief that does not serve us anymore.

Author's Opinion 1

Extract from: Owning our Struggles by Minaa B. 2023

Beliefs and values:

Our core beliefs are like the soil of the earth, and our thoughts are like the seeds that we plant. What grows depends on whether the soil is healthy or rotted. Our beliefs determine how we interpret our experiences and interactions with others.

Negative core beliefs look like:

-I am not good enough

-Im unlovable

-No one can be trusted

-“X” group of people are dangerous

-No one has the ability to change

-Im not worthy of good things

-Life is stupid and meaningless

-I am worthless

In order to live your truth , you need to know what you believe in, what is important to you, who you are, and how you want to contribute to the world. You have the power to change what is not working for you.

To define your beliefs and values, consider these questions:

What is important to me?

(think of all the areas of your life: family, career, friendships, money, time, location, hobbies and passions.)

How do I honor and make time for the things that are important to me?

How do I define respect?

And how am I upholding this in how I allow people to treat me, as well as treat others?

Are my beliefs mine, or am I operating on someone else’s blueprint?

Whose? And Why?

Are my everyday actions currently in alignment with what I claim to believe? What do I need to start doing differently to live in alignment with my goals?

Do they honor the humanity of others, or do they play into the dehumanization of others?

Do my beliefs serve to elevate my well being, or do they negatively impact my mental health?

**When we start asking ourselves real questions, the ones that make us curious and put us face to face with our flawed parts of ourselves, we are then able to do the work of honoring who we truly are. **

But to grow and heal, you must be the one to figure out which areas of your life needs to change.

Author's Opinion 2

Book: Why has nobody told me this before? By Dr Julie Smith 2022

**Thoughts are not facts. **

They are a mixture of opinions, judgements, stories, memories, theories, interpretations, and predictions about the future.


Emotions result from unmet needs, and it is those needs we must identify.

You can break out of a low mood cycle with “good enough” decisions.

If you feel an acute rush of anxiety, try “square breathing”.

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Updated: November 2023

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